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Laser therapy has many names including Low Level Laser Therapy (LLT), Photobiomodulation and Cold Laser Therapy. These types of lasers are not used for cutting, cautery or surgery but rather are used to enhance healing.
Research over several decades has shown that certain wavelengths of light in the infrared (IR) and near-infrared light spectrum are able to increase energy production within cells. Infrared light displaces nitric oxide and allows more oxygen to bind to bind to cytochromes within a cell’s miotchondria. This in turn allows the cell to produce more energy in the form of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP).
Laser therapy reduces pain and inflammation and accelerates the healing process for many types of conditions. Ear infections, intervertebral disc disease, hip dysplasia, hot spots, lick granulomas and degenerative joint disease are just a few problems in which laser therapy can be beneficial.
Pets receiving this type of treatment do not experience pain, however they may feel a slight a tingling sensation. Three to four treatments may be required before improvement is noted and treatment time can vary from 2-15 minutes, depending of the number of sites being treated.
If you are interested in Pet Laser Therapy or have questions about the benefits, risks or procedures associated with laser therapy, Contact us today at Companion Home Vet Care in Longmont, CO. We are happy to discuss what plan would be most appropriate for your loving pet.